01 841 0306
Castlemill Shopping Center, Hamlet, Balbriggan

Insignia Braces - The Latest in Smile Design Technology is Available in Ireland

If you’re self-conscious about your teeth and you’d love a new smile, you might be considering braces. However, many patients find braces to be a daunting prospect.

Do you feel anxious at the thought of getting braces? Do you worry that it will be painful? That it will require hours in the dentists’ chair? Or that you will have to wear big, clunky metal braces for a long time?

If so, we’d like to introduce you to a revolutionary new treatment that may be just right for you.

Insignia utilises innovative 3D scanning technology. Using a scanner, your dentist will be able to take an incredibly detailed image of your mouth, and then create braces that are 100% customised for you.

Here are the main reasons why we would recommend Insignia to our patients:

100% Personalised – no more clunky, one-size-fits-all braces. The incredibly accurate scanner will give you an interactive 3D image of your teeth – this means you’ll get brackets and wires that are designed specifically to fit you. Plus, because the parts are fitted to suit your mouth shape and size, you should find Insignia braces more comfortable.

Faster Treatment – the great thing about Insignia is that it works quickly and efficiently, meaning less trips to the dentist – perfect for patients who may be feeling a little anxious. The treatment time is typically faster than it would be if you had ordinary braces, too.

See the End Result First – thanks to 3D technology, you’ll be able to see a detailed image of what your teeth will look like after the treatment is over – before you’ve even begun!

Precise and Accurate Treatment – all Insignia-certified dentists have undergone additional training and certification, so you can relax knowing your dentist has the expertise needed to give your smile the ultimate makeover.

As our dentist, Dr O’Kane, says: ‘This move has been the biggest change I’ve ever seen in the world of braces.’ Throw away all your ideas about how braces used to be: Insignia is a game-changer, and we want our patients to experience it for themselves.

How Does Insignia Work?

Here’s a basic idea of what will happen when you start your Insignia treatment:

3D Imaging

The first step will be to take a 3D image of your mouth.

This will allow the dentist to see an interactive image of your teeth. The 3D scan will be incredibly detailed – capturing each tooth in detail, as well as the shape of your mouth.

The dentist will then work with you to envision your perfect smile. We’ll take as much time as you need, showing you all the different options and explaining how the treatment will work. At every step of the way, we’ll help you to feel comfortable and in control of your own treatment decisions. 

One of the exciting things about Insignia is that you can see an incredible preview of what your teeth will look like after the treatment is completed. Insignia can do amazing things for your teeth, even changing the appearance of your mouth when it is closed – this is a great motivator, especially if you’re feeling a bit nervous about starting your treatment.

You will then have a choice to make. You can pick from a few different options depending on what your budget is and what you’re looking for, and we’ll recommend the best choice for you. 

Choose Your Treatment

Insignia Clearguide Express are clear aligners that are so discreet, you won’t even notice them. Using Insignia’s innovative technology, they are designed to fit your teeth exactly, gradually shifting them into the desired position. These work best for patients that require only mild to moderate tooth movements. They’re delivered in stages, allowing your dentist to make small changes to your treatment if necessary.

You could go for clear braces – these are almost invisible braces, available in traditional or tieless styles. If you’re really worried about your braces being intrusive or obvious, these could work beautifully for you. 

We offer Damon Clear braces – working with the Damon system, these braces will correct your teeth quickly and comfortably, leaving you with your perfect smile. If you’re interested in changing your facial aesthetic or improving your facial balance, this could be a great choice for you.

Or, you could go for the Inspire Ice option. These clear brackets blend in with your natural tooth colour, making them incredibly discreet. They’re designed to be comfortable, and they won’t stain over time, meaning they’ll still look great months into your treatment.

Alternatively, you could go for a metal brace. Insignia metal braces are smaller and more discreet than traditional metal braces, and of course, they’re customized for your teeth – so they’ll give you the results you want with minimal discomfort.

Treatment Begins

Your dentist will then receive a set of braces designed specifically for you. Created to fit your mouth and your mouth alone, these braces will completely make over your smile, and because they’re designed to suit you, they’ll be more comfortable than traditional braces. Even the positioning and adjustment will be individually customized for you – so every step of the way, you’ll be getting a personalised service. This will allow your teeth to move into the desired position.

Insignia braces are designed to be efficient – so you won’t have to make lots of trips to the dentist. If you’re an anxious patient, don’t fear: you won’t be spending hours in the dental chair. 

You’ll soon be able to see the incredible difference Insignia is making to your smile – and you should be finished faster than you would be with traditional braces, with the average treatment time being 25% less than traditional treatments:

‘The digital platform massively reduces the total time for completion of cases’ – Dr O’Kane

We understand the difference your teeth can make to your confidence and self-esteem. It’s why we’re so passionate about offering cutting-edge technology to our patients, offering them fast, efficient, and excellent treatment. We think Insignia is truly great – and it could give you the smile you’ve always dreamed of.

Propel Accelerated Orthodontics

Continuing on the theme of new technology, did you know that there is a way to make your braces work faster?

The Propel Excellerator Series works using a device that can be used in conjunction with different kinds of braces, and the treatment can slot in nicely to your existing appointment. Using Propel, you can potentially cut your treatment time by up to 50% – this is an incredible amount of time. If you’re feeling nervous about wearing braces and you want treatment to end more quickly, Propel could work really well for you. 

When you’re wearing braces, your teeth are aided into the correct position by bone remodelling. Braces apply gentle pressure to your teeth, allowing the bone to break down (this is less scary than it sounds), and then rebuilt.

Propel is a device that creates tiny, pinhole-sized perforations in the bone that surrounds the teeth. This stimulates the cells that break down the bone – which allows the teeth to move into position more quickly. Although it sounds painful, it’s quite gentle, and we can numb the area beforehand, so you won’t feel anything.

You may feel a little tooth sensitivity afterwards, however (don’t take ibuprofen, though – this will stop inflammation, which is what we want in this case). You will also need to avoid acidic and spicy foods for a week or so afterwards. Other than that, the recovery process is minimal.

Propel is completely safe, and it can really reduce treatment time, giving you the smile that you want much more quickly. It works for the majority of people, and we’re excited to offer it to our patients. If you’re interested or you have any questions, please contact us today to discuss.

Castlemill Dental Clinic prides itself on being the most ethical and modern dental practice possible.  A dental clinic that is relaxing and pain free even for patients who maybe anxious about dentistry.

Professional, friendly & relaxed staff

We really care about our patients

Anxious patients & families welcomed

Our Location

Castlemill Dental Clinic
Castlemill Shopping Center, Hamlet Lane, 
Balbriggan, Dublin 
Phone : 01 841 0306

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